Global Mission Partnerships
Mario K Family
Amazon Basin
Pray for Mario, his wife, and their two young boys. Mario serves as the lead Bible translator (in partnership with Jackson and Angie Rosembach) laboring to get God’s Word into the language of his people. Coral Hill partners with Mario and his family so he can devote his time to this work, to researching unreached people in his region, and preparing to plant a church in the village his wife is from.
The Velcine Family
Missions of Love | Haiti
Pray for Cristophe and Carmelle Velcine (Sephora’s parents). They help lead Missions of Love, a medical mission serving communities in the mountains of northern Haiti. They long for peace in their country and for missionaries to be able to enter again soon.
The D Family
RTIM - North Africa
Reaching and Teaching International (RTIM) seeks to advance the Gospel by making mature disciples, establishing healthy churches, and training local leaders. Pray for H & J, along with their four children, as they run a business and plant churches in the Muslim country in which they live. J is the daughter of Mike and Rosanna at Coral Hill.
Mark and Effie T
Restoration International - South Asia
Pray for Mark and Effie as they serve the people of South Asia. CHBC helped form Restoration International to support the work of national church planters in this region. Restoration International is also involved in other work such as Bible translation, child sponsorship, and providing refuge for girls at risk of sex trafficking.
Joachim & Kerstin Schulz
The Bible Institute of São Tomé
Coral Hill has partnered with the Bible Institute of São Tomé to help train church leaders in this island nation since 2014. Pray for Joachim and Kerstin Schulz as they lead the work of the institute. They are Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC) missionaries from Germany.
The Jacob K Family
RTIM - Asia Pacific Rim
Please pray for the K Family who also serves with Reaching and Teaching International (RTIM). After 10 years of preparation, they finally were able to move to their field of service in November, 2023. Please pray for Jacob, his wife, and their 4 kids as they learn language, launch a business, and start making disciples in the Asia Pacific Rim.
The N Family | The B Family | M.G.
Central Asia
Please pray for all our partners who serve in this same Muslim country in Central Asia. The N Family serves with the IMB leading a church planting team in the eastern part of the country. The B Family serve with Oasis Rest International and are hosts at a property receiving global missionaries who need rest. Finally, M.G. serves with CRU as part of a church planting team in the largest city of this Central Asian country.
International Mission Board
As the Lord leads, pray for some of our 3,500 missionaries that serve with the International Mission Board all over the world. Through our giving to the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, Coral Hill supports church planters serving with this organization of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Local Partnerships
Who can go on these trips?
No two trips are the same. Some are students only while others are open to everyone in the congregation. You can find out more information by contacting Pastor of Discipleship and Missions, Jordan Woodie. Contact Him Here
Do I need a passport/vaccines?
If you want to travel outside the United States you will have to have a US passport and in some cases additional vaccines.
I want to go! Now what?
We would love to find a missions opportunity for you. Please contact Pastor of Discipleship and Missions, Jordan Woodie. Contact Him Here
How can I support missions?
We encourage you to pray for our missionaries and the work they are engaged in. If you give tithes/offerings at CHBC you are already supporting them financially! If you would like to learn more about supporting missions through the local church, we commend this resource to you: How Can I Support International Missions by Mark Collins